List of Oil & Gas Companies in Middle East

List of Oil & Gas Companies in Middle East which are sorted out based on the Sales (Total Revenue) in the last year.

Largest Oil and Gas Company in Middle East

SAUDI ARABIAN OIL is the largest Oil and Gas Company in Middle east with a revenue of $ 2,29,793 Million followed by RABIGH REFINING AND PETROCHEMICAL, BAZAN, QATAR FUEL QPSC, PAZ OIL.

List of Top middle east oil and gas companies by Revenue

SO here is list of Top middle east oil and gas companies by Revenue (Total Sales) with debt to equity and stock Symbol.

S.NOmiddle east oil companyTotal RevenueCountry Sector IndustryDebt to EquityStock Symbol
1SAUDI ARABIAN OIL CO.$ 2,29,793 MillionSaudi ArabiaIntegrated Oil0.42222
2RABIGH REFINING AND PETROCHEMICAL CO.$ 5,830 MillionSaudi ArabiaOil Refining/Marketing6.62380
3BAZAN$ 4,353 MillionIsraelOil Refining/Marketing1.3ORL
4QATAR FUEL QPSC$ 3,638 MillionQatarOil Refining/Marketing0.0QFLS
5PAZ OIL$ 2,473 MillionIsraelOil Refining/Marketing1.7PZOL
6DELEK GROUP$ 2,078 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production4.1DLEKG
7DOR ALON$ 973 MillionIsraelOil Refining/Marketing2.8DRAL
8DELEK DRILL L$ 819 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production2.9DEDR.L
9ALEXANDRIA MINERAL OILS COMPANY$ 649 MillionEgyptOil Refining/Marketing0.0AMOC
10ISRAMCO L$ 368 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production1.4ISRA.L
11TAMAR PET$ 227 MillionIsraelIntegrated Oil2.6TMRP
12RATIO L$ 174 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production3.5RATI.L
13ALON GAS$ 50 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production1.1ALGS
14NAVITAS PTRO L$ 46 MillionIsraelIntegrated Oil1.0NVPT.L
15COHEN DEV$ 14 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production0.0CDEV
16PETROTX$ 9 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production1.1PTX
17MODIIN L$ 2 MillionIsraelOil & Gas Production0.7MDIN.L
18GIVOT Lless than 1 MIsraelOil & Gas Production-0.8GIVO.L
19ISRAEL OP Lless than 1 MIsraelOil & Gas Production0.0ISOP.L
20GLOB EXPLORless than 1 MIsraelOil & Gas Production0.1GLEX.L
21SAUDI ARABIA REFINERIES CO.less than 1 MSaudi ArabiaOil Refining/Marketing0.02030
22LAPIDOT HEL Lless than 1 MIsraelOil & Gas Production0.0LPHL.L
23ILD RENEWALless than 1 MIsraelOil & Gas Production-2.2ILDR
24RATIO PETROLE Lless than 1 MIsraelIntegrated Oil0.0RTPT.L
List of Oil & Gas Companies in Middle East by revenue sales turnover

Largest Middle east oil company is from Saudi Arabia and most of the company is from Israel.

Read More  Top 10 Oil and Gas Companies in the World

Saudi Arabian Oil

Saudi Arabian Oil is a leading producer of the energy and chemicals that drive global commerce and enhance the daily lives of people around the globe by continuing delivering an uninterrupted supply of energy to the world.

Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical

Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical – Company (Petro Rabigh) was founded in 2005 as a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical. The plant is valued at about US $10 billion (25% funded by the public and the remainder equally funded by Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical) and originally produced 18.4 million tons per annum (mtpa) of petroleum-based products and 2.4 mtpa of ethylene and propylene-based derivatives.

Petro Rbigh products are used in such end products as plastics, detergents, lubricants, resins, coolants, anti-freeze, paint, carpets, rope, clothing, shampoo, auto interiors, epoxy glue, insulation, film, fibers, household appliances, packaging, candles, pipes and many other applications.

Petro Rabigh II is an expansion project valued at US $9 billion that reached full production by 4th Quarter 2017 and provided a wide range of new high value-added products, some of which are exclusive to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East.

So finally these are the list of largest Oil & Gas Companies in Middle East.

biggest oil companies in middle east, List of Oil & Gas Companies in Middle East, oil and gas exploration, SAUDI ARABIAN OIL is the largest.

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