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Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia (Russian Oil Company List)

Here you can find the list of Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia sorted out based on the total Sales (Revenue). Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia (Russian Oil Company List). GAZPROM is the largest Russian Oil Company with a revenur of $ 85,468 Million followed by OIL CO LUKOIL, ROSNEFT OIL CO.

List of Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia (Russian Oil Company List)

So here is the list of Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia (Russian Oil Company List) based on the total sales Revenue.

Largest Russian Oil Company

Gazprom is a global energy company focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sales of gas, gas condensate and oil, sales of gas as a vehicle fuel, as well as generation and marketing of heat and electric power. The Company has a Employee of 4,77,600.

LUKOIL is one of the largest oil & gas vertical integrated companies in the world accounting for over 2% of crude production and circa 1% of proved hydrocarbon reserves globally.

S.NoRussian Oil CompanyTotal SalesSector / IndustryDebt to EquityReturn on EquityOperating MarginEBITDA IncomeStock Symbol
1GAZPROM$ 85,468 MillionIntegrated Oil0.313.0%22.8%$ 38,595 MillionGAZP
2OIL CO LUKOIL$ 70,238 MillionIntegrated Oil0.113.1%9.8%$ 16,437 MillionLKOH
3ROSNEFT OIL CO$ 69,250 MillionIntegrated Oil0.714.4%ROSN
4GAZPROM NEFT$ 24,191 MillionIntegrated Oil0.319.9%16.6%$ 9,307 MillionSIBN
5SURGUTNEFTEGAS PJS$ 14,345 MillionIntegrated Oil0.09.1%22.3%$ 5,517 MillionSNGS
6TATNEFT$ 9,990 MillionOil & Gas Production0.119.8%19.8%$ 3,659 MillionTATN
7NOVATEK$ 9,461 MillionIntegrated Oil0.19.9%NVTK
8BASHNEFT$ 6,881 MillionIntegrated Oil0.310.0%10.3%$ 1,594 MillionBANE
9RUSSNEFT$ 1,801 MillionOil & Gas Production1.522.1%18.3%$ 718 MillionRNFT
10SLAVNEFT-MEGIONNEF$ 999 MillionOil & Gas Production0.4-1.0%-1.0%$ 99 MillionMFGS
11NNK-VARYOGANNEFTEG$ 486 MillionOil & Gas Production0.03.6%11.2%$ 156 MillionVJGZ
12SLAVNEFT YAROSLAVN$ 394 MillionOil Refining/Marketing0.53.3%15.8%$ 176 MillionJNOS
13YAKUTSK FUEL & ENE$ 85 MillionOil & Gas Production1.111.0%43.6%$ 48 MillionYAKG
14RN-WESTERN SIBERIA$ 1 MillionOil & Gas Production0.00.6%-94.9%CHGZ
List of Major Oil and Gas Companies in Russia (Russian Oil Company List) based on the total sales Revenue.

Rosneft is the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest publicly traded oil company in the world*. The Company’s core activities include hydrocarbon prospecting and exploration, production of oil, gas and gas condensate, implementation of offshore field development projects, refining, sales of oil, gas and refined products in Russia and abroad.

Read More  Top 10 Oil and Gas Companies in the World

The Company is included in the list of Russia’s strategic enterprises. Its main shareholder (40.4% of shares) is ROSNEFTEGAZ JSC, 100% state-owned, 19.75% belongs to BP Russian Investments Limited, 18.46% to QH Oil Investments LLC, and one share belongs to the state represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management

Surgutneftegas is a Public Joint Stock Company is one of the largest private vertically integrated oil companies in Russia bringing together research and design, exploration, drilling and production units, oil refining, gas processing and marketing subsidiaries.

Surgutneftegas PJSC carries out prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in three Russian oil and gas provinces — Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia and Timan-Pechora. The Company’s production units are fitted with advanced equipment and technologies, adjusted to local geological and climatic conditions and allow the Company to do the full range of necessary work independently.

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