Dhaptar Broker Forex Diatur dening Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus (CySEC) kanthi resmi situs. Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus (CySEC) minangka Otoritas pengawas umum independen, tanggung jawab kanggo ngawasi pasar layanan investasi, pasar bursa saham lan investasi kolektif lan sektor manajemen aset.
Salajengipun, ngawasi bisnis sing nyedhiyakake layanan administratif sing ora kalebu ing ICPAC lan Asosiasi Bar Siprus, uga Penyedia Layanan Aset Crypto.
Dhaptar Broker Forex sing Diatur dening Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus (CySEC)
Dadi Iki Dhaptar Broker Forex sing Diatur dening Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus (CySEC) kanthi situs web resmi.
S.NO | Broker Forex sing Dikatur | Situs resmi |
1 | 26 Degrees Global Markets (EU) Ltd (ex Invast Financial Services (EU) Ltd) | www.26degreesglobalmarkets.com.cy |
2 | 3D Global Financial Services Ltd | www.3dglobal.com |
3 | 4XHUB EU Limited | www.4xhub.eu |
4 | 50CoinsCY Ltd (ex UR Trade Fix Ltd) | www.50coins.com www.50k.trade |
5 | 7Q Financial Services Ltd | www.7qfs.com |
6 | A. Eternity Capital Management Ltd | http://a-eternitycapital.ltd.cy |
7 | AJK Wealth Management Ltd | www.ajkwealth.com |
8 | AN Allnew Investments Ltd | www.legacyfx.eu; www.xeprime.eu; |
9 | ATI Associates (Cyprus) Ltd | www.atiassociates.com |
10 | Abris-Cee Holdings Ltd | http://abris-cee.com; |
11 | AC Markets (Europe) Ltd | www.acprime.eu; www.ausprime.eu; www.lt-markets.com; www.ausforex.eu; |
12 | Accuindex EU Ltd | www.accuindex.eu |
13 | Admirals Europe Ltd (ex Admiral Markets Cyprus Ltd) | www.admiralmarkets.com.cy; www.admirals.com |
14 | Aeonic Securities CIF Plc | www.aeonic.com.cy |
15 | Afterprime Europe Limited | www.afterprime.eu |
16 | Albourne Cyprus Limited | www.albourne.com |
17 | Alfa Capital Markets Ltd | www.alfacapital.com.cy |
18 | ALMA Europe Ltd | www.almaeurope.finance |
19 | Amana Capital Ltd | www.amanacapital.com.cy |
20 | AMP Global Ltd | www.ampglobal.com |
21 | APME FX Trading Europe Ltd | www.apmefx.com; www.ozios.com; www.oziotrader.com; |
22 | Aquilla Nummus Ltd | www.aquillanummus.com |
23 | Argus Stockbrokers Ltd | www.argus.com.cy; www.argusglobaltrader.com |
24 | Aristeus Financial Services Ltd | www.aristeus.com.cy |
25 | Arumpro Capital Ltd | https://arumcapital.eu/ |
26 | ATFX Global Markets (Cy) Ltd | atfxgm.eu; atfx.eu |
27 | Athlos Capital Investment Services Ltd | www.athlocapital.com; www.usesophic.com; |
28 | Atlantic Securities Ltd | www.atlanticfs.com |
29 | Atonline Ltd | www.atonint.com |
30 | Axia Ventures Group Ltd | www.axiavg.com; www.axiavg.gr; www.axiacm.com |
31 | Ayers Alliance Financial Group Ltd | aafg.co |
32 | Ayomi Financial Services Limited | https://www.ayomi.fr/cy |
33 | BIS Blueport Investment Services Ltd | |
34 | B2B Prime Services EU Ltd (ex Menasecurities Ltd) | www.menasecurities.com; www.b2prime.com; |
35 | Banxso Ltd (ex XF Services Ltd) | www.banxso.eu; |
36 | BCM Begin Capital Markets CY Ltd | www.profitlevel.com; www.capitalpanda.com; www.begincapitalmarkets.com; |
37 | Blacktower Financial Management (Cyprus) Ltd | www.blacktowerfm.com/BFMCL |
38 | Boson Alfa Ltd | www.bosonalfa.com |
39 | Brickhill Capital (CY) Ltd | www.brickhillcy.com |
40 | BrightPool Ltd | www.brightpool-markets.com |
41 | Broctagon Prime Ltd | www.broprime.com |
42 | BrokerCreditService (Cyprus) Ltd | www.bcscyprus.com |
43 | BUX Europe Ltd | www.buxmarkets.eu/en; www.buxmarkets.eu/pro; www.strykapp.com; |
44 | Capital Com SV Investments Ltd | https://capital.com |
45 | CDJ Social Stocks Ltd | goliaths.io |
46 | Pasar CEX Ltd | cexbro.com |
47 | Charlgate Ltd | www.fxview.com; |
48 | Chase Buchanan Ltd | www.chasebuchanan.com |
49 | Colmex Pro Ltd | www.colmex.com; www.colmexpro.com |
50 | Conotoxia Ltd | https://forex.conotoxia.com; https://forex.cinkciarz.pl; https://invest.conotoxia.com; https://invest.cinkciarz.pl; invest.conotoxia.com; invest.cinkciarz.pl; |
51 | Credit Financier Invest (CFI) Ltd | www.cfifinancial.com.cy; www.cfifinancial.eu; www.cfifinancial.com; www.cfi.trade; |
52 | Crowd Tech Ltd | www.trade360.com |
53 | Crowdbase Ltd | www.crowdbase.eu |
54 | CT CAPITALLTRADERS LTD | https://ctcap.eu |
55 | CTS Cloud Solusi Trading Ltd | www.cloud-trading.eu |
56 | DT Direct Investment Hub Ltd. Sajarah rega saham | dtdirectinvestment.com; www.duplitrade.com; |
57 | Doto Europe Ltd (Ex Vasby Capital Markets Ltd) | www.doto.eu; www.eu.doto.com; www.doto.com/eu; |
58 | Dragon Capital (Cyprus) Ltd | www.dragon-capital.com; dccl.com.cy |
59 | Dagang Forex Gampang Ltd | www.easy-forex.com; m.easy-forex.com; easymarkets.eu; easymarkets.com/eu; m.easy-forex.com/eu; |
60 | EDR Financial Ltd | www.triomarkets.eu; |
61 | EFG Cyprus Limited | www.cy.efgl.com; |
62 | Eight Plus Capital Ltd | https://finame.com/; https://eightplus.com; |
63 | Eightcap EU Ltd | www.eightcap.eu |
64 | Elidi Securities Ltd(ex UGM Securities Ltd) | https://elidi.capital/ |
65 | Emporium Capital KA Ltd | www.ecgprime.com; www.ecgprime.net; www.ecgprime.eu; www.ecgprime.cy; |
66 | Equiti Global Markets Ltd | https://www.equiti-capital.com/cy-en/ |
67 | Etoro (Eropah) Ltd | www.etoro.com; |
68 | Eurivex Ltd | www.eurivex.com; https://trade.eurivex.com/login |
69 | Eurotrade Investments RGB Ltd | www.eurotrader.group; https://gratis.io/; https://www.eurotrader.eu; |
70 | Exclusive Change Capital Ltd | www.exclusivecapital.com |
71 | Exelcius Prime Ltd | www.exelciusprime.com; www.1market.eu; www.1market.hu; |
72 | Exness (Cy) Ltd | www.exness.eu |
73 | EXOVO LTD | www.exovo.com.cy |
74 | EXT Ltd | https://cy.exante.eu; https://ext.com.cy; www.exante.eu; |
75 | Fathom Wealth Management Advisors Ltd | www.fathomwma.com |
76 | FIBO Markets Ltd (ex FIBO Group Holdings Ltd) | www.fibogroup.eu; www.fibomarkets.eu; www.fibomarkets.com; www.fibo-promo.com; |
77 | Fidus Investments Cyprus Ltd | www.fidusinvestments.eu |
78 | Finquotes Financial (Cyprus) Ltd | www.finpros.eu |
79 | First Prudential Markets Ltd | www.fpmarkets.eu; www.fpmarkets.com/eu |
80 | Forex TB Ltd | www.forextb.com; www.patronfx.com |
81 | Fortrade Cyprus Ltd | www.fortrade.com |
82 | FP Asset Management Cyprus Ltd | |
83 | Freedom Finance Europe Ltd | www.ffineu.eu; www.bondsfreedom.com; www.freedom24.com; www.freedom24.eu; www.tradernet.com; www.freedomfinance.eu; www.freedom24.news; https://freedombroker.eu; www.freedombroker.eu; http://freedom-finance.eu/; |
84 | FTX EU Ltd (ex K-DNA FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD) | www.ftx.com/eu; https://ftxeurope.eu/ |
85 | FX Central Clearing Ltd | www.fxcc.com |
86 | FXGLOBE Ltd | www.fxglobe.eu; |
87 | Fxnet Ltd | www.nessfx.com; www.investing24.com; https://emsbrokers.com/en; |
88 | FXOpen EU Ltd | www.fxopen.com |
89 | FXPRO Financial Services Ltd | www.fxpro.com; www.fxpro.co.uk; www.fxpro.es; www.fxpro.fr; www.fxpro.ru; www.fxpro.pl; www.fxpro.hu; www.fxpro.de; www.fxpro.it; www.fxpro-vn.com; www.fxpro.vn; www.fxpro.ae; www.fxpro.cn; www.fxpro-thailand.com; www.fxpro.cz; www.fxpro.com.my; fxpro.com.au; fxpro.org.cn; www.fxpro.dk; www.fxpro.no; www.fxpro.ee; www.fxpro.ro; www.fxpro.hr; www.fxpro.se |
90 | GBE Brokers Ltd | www.gbebrokers.com; www.gbeprime.com; |
91 | General Capital Brokers (GCB) Ltd | www.t1markets.com; |
92 | Global Capital Securities & Financial Services Ltd | www.globalcapital.com.cy |
93 | Global Trade CIF Ltd | www.finansero.com; www.globaltradecif.com |
94 | Go Markets Ltd (ex Galactus Ltd) | www.gomarkets.eu; |
95 | Goldenburg Group Ltd | www.goldenburggroup.eu; |
96 | GPB Financial Services Ltd | www.gpbfs.com.cy |
97 | Grandis Securities Ltd | www.grandissecurities.com.cy |
98 | Granfeld Wealth Management Ltd | www.granfeld.com |
99 | Greenpost Trading Europe Ltd | www.greenposteurope.com |
100 | Growell Capital Ltd | www.fxgrow.com; |
101 | GT Investment Services Ltd | www.fxgt.eu |
102 | GVD Korimcy Ltd | www.gvdmarkets.eu |
103 | GWG (Siprus) Ltd | www.gwglobalfx.com, www.gwtrade.eu |
104 | Harindale Ltd | www.m4markets.eu/ |
105 | HF Markets (Europe) Ltd | www.hfeu.com; https://www.hfaffiliates.com/eu/en/index.html |
106 | Holborn aset Wealth Management (CY) Ltd | www.holbornassets.com.cy |
107 | Hoxton Capital Management (Europe) Ltd | hoxtoncapital.eu; |
108 | HTFX (EU) Ltd (EX CDG Global (EU) Ltd) | https://htfx.eu/ |
109 | IF Greenfields Wealth Ltd | www.greenfieldswealth.com |
110 | IWG International Wealth Group Ltd | www.interwealthgroup.com |
111 | IC Markets (EU) Ltd | www.icmarkets.eu; |
112 | ICFD Ltd | www.iforex.eu; www.iforex.pl; www.iforex.nl; www.iforex.es; www.iforex.fr; www.iforex.it; www.iforex.gr; de.iforex.eu; https://hu.iforex.eu; https://cz.iforex.eu; |
113 | IFCM Cyprus Ltd | www.ifcmarkets.eu; www.icmetrica.com; |
114 | IGM Forex Ltd | www.igmfx.com |
115 | IKOS CIF Ltd | www.ikos.com.cy |
116 | Indikasi Investments Ltd | https://libertex.com www.libertex.de |
117 | Initial Merit Secure Ltd | www.imsmarkets.com |
118 | Instant Trading EU Ltd | www.instaforex.eu; www.forexmart.eu; www.instatradesolution.hu; |
119 | Investium Limited Sajarah rega saham | flexinvest.com |
120 | IQOption Europe Ltd | www.eu.iqoption.com; quadcodemarkets.com |
121 | ISEC Wealth Management Ltd | www.is-wm.com; www.is-wm.eu |
122 | Itrade Global (Cy) Ltd | www.investfw.com; www.tradedwell.com; |
123 | JFD Group Ltd | www.jfdbrokers.com; www.jfdchange.com; www.jfdeurope.com; www.jfdpartners.com; |
124 | JustMarkets Ltd | justmarkets.eu |
125 | Key Way Investments Ltd | www.keywayinvestments.ro; www.keywayinvestments.com; www.capex.com/eu; www.capex.com/ro; www.capex.com/es; www.capex.com/it; www.capex.com/de; www.capex.com/hu; www.capex.com/pl; www.capex.com/cz; www.capex.com/el; |
126 | Kleis EU LTD | www.keytotrading.com |
127 | Klip CY Ltd | www.klip.com |
128 | LF Investasi Ltd | www.purple-trading.com |
129 | LAIETANA LTD | www.laietana.eu |
130 | Lifegoals Financial Services Limited (ex Emergo Wealth Ltd) | www.emergowealth.net; www.emergowealth.com; www.lifegoals.eu; |
131 | Lime Trading (CY) Ltd (ex Just2trade Online Ltd) | www.just2trade.online; www.J2T.com; |
132 | Lirunex Ltd | www.lirunex.eu |
133 | Liteforex (Eropa) Ltd | www.liteforex.eu; www.liteforex.pl; de.liteforex.eu; es.liteforex.eu; fr.liteforex.eu; it.liteforex.eu; pt.liteforex.eu; ru.liteforex.eu; social.liteforex.eu |
134 | LMAX Broker Europe Ltd | www.lmax.com/global//eu; |
135 | Luna Wealth Asset Management Ltd | www.lunawealth.com |
136 | Lydya Financial Ltd | www.lydyafinancial.com; |
137 | Magic Kompas Ltd | www.magiccompass.com |
138 | Magnasale Trading Ltd | magnasaleltd.com; https://liquidity.finalto.com/eu/ |
139 | Marcuard Ηeritage (Europe) Ltd | www.marcuardheritage.com |
140 | MCA Intelifunds Ltd | www.fxoro.com; www.fxoro.it; www.tk.fxoro.co.uk; www.fxoro.ae |
141 | Mega Equity Securities and Financial Services Public Ltd | www.megaequity.com; www.megafx.com |
142 | Merba Limited | nawakakefx.com; |
143 | Mercorix Ltd | www.symmetriafs.com; www.mercorix.com |
144 | MeritKapital Ltd | www.meritkapital.com; www.meritfixed.com |
145 | MEX Europe Ltd | www.mexeurope.com |
146 | Mexem Ltd | www.mexem.com; www.inter-il.com; www.c2gateway.com; www.fifaco.com; trade.collective2.eu; |
147 | MIND MONEY LIMITED (ex Zerich Securities Ltd) | https://mind-money.eu/en/ |
148 | MiTrade EU Limited | http://www.mitrade.eu/ |
149 | Gunung Nico Corp Ltd | www.nicofx.com; www.excentral.com; www.mtnico.com; eu.excentral.com |
150 | MTG LIQUIDITY Ltd | www.match-prime.com; |
151 | Naga Markets Europe Ltd | www.nagatrader.com; www.nagamarkets.com; |
152 | Naxex Invest Ltd | www.naxexinvest.com; |
153 | NBI Investments Ltd | www.nbinvest.com |
154 | NFS Network Financial Services Ltd. Sajarah rega saham | www.nfseurope.com; |
155 | Notely Trading Ltd | www.errante.eu |
156 | Notesco Financial Services Ltd | www.fxlift.eu; www.ironfx.eu; |
157 | Numisma Capital Ltd | https://numismagroup.com; www.elginamc.com |
158 | OBR Investments Ltd | www.obrinvest.com |
159 | OCI Oasis Capital Investments (Cyprus) Ltd | www.oasisinvestment.eu |
160 | Octa Markets Cyprus Ltd | www.octabroker.eu; www.octatrade.eu; www.octa.broker; www.octatrading.eu; www.octamarket.eu; www.octamarkets.eu; www.octa.trading; www.octa.trade; www.octa.market; www.octa.markets; www.octaeu.net; www.octaeu.org; www.octaeu.com; www.octaeurope.com; |
161 | OEXN Limited | https://www.oexn.com; |
162 | Omega Funds Investment Ltd | www.omegainvest.com.cy |
163 | One Plus Capital Ltd | www.onepluscapital.net; www.openbrokerageaccount.com; www.onelifepartners.com; |
164 | Oqtima EU Ltd | www.oqtima.eu |
165 | ORBEX Ltd | www.orbex.com.cy |
166 | Otkritie Broker Ltd | www.open-broker.com |
167 | Peaksight Ltd | www.peaksightltd.com |
168 | Pelican Exchange Europe (CY) Ltd | www.pelicaneu.com |
169 | Pepperstone EU Limited | https://pepperstone.com/ |
170 | Performance Ronnaru Company Ltd | www.prcbroker.com; www.prcmarkets.com |
171 | Plum Money CY Limited | https://withplum.com/ |
172 | Plus500CY Ltd | www.plus500.com.cy; www.plus500.com; www.plus500.nl; www.plus500.pl; www.plus500.at; www.plus500.be; www.plus500.ch; www.plus500.ee; www.plus500.li; www.plus500.ro; www.plus500.lv; www.plus500.lt; www.plus500.dk; www.plus500.ru; www.plus500.it; www.plus500.ae; www.plus500.cz; www.plus500.gr; www.plus500.fr; www.plus500.se; www.plus500.hu; www.plus500.no;www.plus500.es; www.plus500.pt; www.plus500.si; www.plus500.ie; www.plus500.fi; www.plus500.bg; www.plus500.lu; www.plus500.com.hr; www.plus500.com.mt; www.plus500.com.uy; www.plus500.is; www.plus500.eu; www.plus500.rs; www.plus500.de; www.plus500.sk; www.plus500.com.my; www.plus500.hr; www.plus500.com.mx; www.plus500.co |
173 | Primus Global Ltd | www.fxprimus.eu; |
174 | Prochoice Chrimatistiriaki Ltd | www.pro-choice.com.cy |
175 | Prodigit Investments Ltd | www.prodigitinvest.com; www.invest.com |
176 | Prospergate Capital Ltd | www.prospergate.com |
177 | Pruden Ventures Capital Ltd | www.constanceinvestment.com; www.constancei.com |
178 | RIAL Raising Investment Advisory Limited | www.rialcy.com |
179 | Red Mars Capital Ltd | www.redmars.trade, www.redmars.capital, www.redmars.eu |
180 | Redfin Capital Ltd | www.redfincapital.com |
181 | Redpine Capital Limited | www.xbmarkets.com; |
182 | Regency Asset Management (Cyprus) Ltd | www.ramcyprus.com |
183 | Reliantco Investments Ltd | www.ufx.com; www.ufxaffiliates.com www.ufxpartners.com; http://ufx.company/ |
184 | Renaissance Securities (Cyprus) Ltd | www.rencap.com |
185 | Robotmarkets Ltd | www.robomarkets.com; www.robomarkets.cz; www.robomarkets.ee; www.robomarkets.es; www.robomarkets.it; www.robomarkets.lt; www.robomarkets.lv; www.robomarkets.pl; www.robomarkets.pt |
186 | Roemer Capital (Europe) Limited | www.roemercapital.com |
187 | Ronin Europe Ltd | www.ron.in |
188 | Royal Financial Trading (Cy) Ltd | www.oneroyal.eu |
189 | Royal Forex Ltd | www.royalforex.com; www.ROInvesting.com |
190 | Rynat Trading Ltd | www.rynattrading.com; www.thextrend.com; www.thextrend.eu; www.xtrend.eu; www.xtrendprime.com www.xtrendprime.eu |
191 | Safecap Investments Ltd | https://www.markets.com; https://liquidity.finalto.com/eu; |
192 | SC Workwealth Management Ltd | http://www.scworkwealth.com/ |
193 | Enggo bareng Fintech Limited | www.novia-global.eu |
194 | Sheer Markets (Cyprus) Ltd | sheermarkets.net; sheermarkets.com; sheermarkets.eu; ndfstreaming.com; sheercxchange.com; |
195 | SIB (Siprus) Ltd | www.sib.com.cy |
196 | Skanestas Investments Ltd | www.skanestas.com |
197 | Skilling Ltd | www.skilling.com |
198 | Skybound Wealth Europe Ltd | www.skyboundwealth.eu |
199 | SM Capital Markets Ltd | www.smcapitalmarkets.com; www.scopemarkets.eu; |
200 | Solaris EMEA Limited | www.axi.com/eu |
201 | Solid Financial Services Ltd | www.solid.com.cy |
202 | Squared Financial (CY) Ltd | www.squaredfinancial.com; www.squareddirect.com; |
203 | SSC Smart FX Ltd (ex Jin Daocheng Ltd) | www.smartfx-cy.com |
204 | STAK SECURITIES LTD (ex STAK FX LTD) | www.stak-securities.com |
205 | STATOK LTD (ex SMSG LIMITED) | www.statok.global; |
206 | StoneX Europe Ltd | www.forex.com/ie |
207 | Stratos Europe Ltd (ex FXCM EU LTD) | http://fxcm.com/eu; http://fxcm.com/fr; http://fxcm.com/it; http://fxcm.com/gr; http://fxcm.com/espana; www.fxcm.com/de; https://www.fxcm.com/bg/; https://www.fxcm.com/pl/; https://www.fxcm.com/nl/; https://www.fxcm.com/se/; https://www.fxcm.com/dk/; https://www.fxcm.com/hu/; https://www.fxcm.com/ro/; https://www.fxcm.com/sk/; www.tradu.com/eu |
208 | Streams Financial Services Ltd | www.efinno.com; |
209 | Swissquote Capital Markets Limited | www.swissquote.eu; www.swissquote.cy; |
210 | T Markets EU Limited (ex NBH Markets EU Limited) | www.trademarkets.eu; |
211 | TCR International Ltd | www.tcr-int.com |
212 | Tanius Technology Europe Ltd | www.tanius.eu |
213 | TF Global Markets (Europe) Ltd (ex A-Conversio Capital Ltd). | www.thinkmarkets.com/europe; www.thinkmarkets.com; www.thinkmarkets.com/eu; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/es/; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/pl/; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/de/; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/it/; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/cz/; https://www.thinkmarkets.com/gr/; |
214 | TFI Markets Ltd | www.tfifx.com |
215 | Cyprus Investment and Securities Corporation Ltd | cisco-online.com.cy |
216 | First Interstellar Capital Limited | www.interstellarfx.eu |
217 | Tickmill Europe Ltd | www.tickmill.com/eu |
218 | TioMarkets CY Ltd | www.tiomarkets.eu |
219 | Titanedge Securities Ltd | www.tradeeu.com; www.titan-edge.com; |
220 | Top Markets Solutions Ltd (ex Teletrade-DJ International Consulting Ltd) | entuk.eu; entuk.broker; entuk.dagang; |
221 | Topfx Ltd | www.topfx.com; |
222 | Trade Capital Markets (TCM) Ltd | www.tradecapitalmarkets.com; www.trade.com |
223 | Tradestone Ltd | www.fbs.eu |
224 | Dagang 212 Markets Ltd | www.trading212.com |
225 | Trading Point Of Financial Instruments Ltd | www.trading-point.com; www.xm.com; www.pipaffiliates.com |
226 | Trading.Com Markets EU Limited (ex Trading Point Asset Management Limited) | https://www.trading-point.com/brands/asset-management |
227 | Triangleview Investments Ltd | www.3anglefx.com; |
228 | Triumph Int. (Siprus) Ltd | www.triumphfx.com |
229 | Trust Capital TC Ltd | http://www.trustcapitaltc.eu/ |
230 | TTCM Traders Trust Capital Markets Ltd | www.traders-trust.eu; |
231 | UBK Markets Ltd | www.ubkmarkets.com |
232 | Ultima Markets Cyprus Ltd | www.ultimamarkets.eu |
233 | Veles International Ltd | www.veles-int.com |
234 | Viverno Markets Ltd | www.vivrno.com |
235 | VM Vita Markets Ltd | https://vita-markets.com |
236 | VPR Safe Financial Group Ltd | www.alvexo.eu; www.alvexo.fr; www.alvexo.de; www.avlexo.it; |
237 | VSTAR & SOHO MARKETS LTD | www.sohomarkets.eu; www.vstarprime.com; |
238 | WG Wealth Guardian Ltd | wguardian.com |
239 | WGM Services Ltd | www.ezinvest.com; www.ezinvest.com/eu; www.marches-financiers.fr; www.stockstp.com; www.phoenixmarkets.com; www.phoenixmarkets.fr; eu.ezinvest.com; |
240 | Windsor Brokers Ltd | www.windsorbrokers.eu |
241 | Wisdompoint Capital Ltd | wisdompointcapital.com; |
242 | Wise Wolves Finance Ltd | www.wise-wolves.finance |
243 | Wonderinterest Trading Ltd | www.wonderinterest.com; www.zetano.com; www.investago.com |
244 | WRDNB Ltd | www.invexia.com |
245 | X Global Markets Ltd | www.xglobalmarkets.com; https://www.xglobalinvest.com |
246 | XS Markets Ltd (ex RockFrost Ltd) | www.xsmarkets.com |
247 | XSpot Wealth (EU) Ltd (ex X SPOT MARKETS (EU) LTD) | www.xspot.markets; https://www.xspotwealth.com/ |
248 | XTB Ltd | www.xtb.com/cy www.xtb.com/HU |
249 | Zemblanco Investments Ltd | www.zemblanco.com |
Visi Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus yaiku netepake pasar sekuritas Siprus minangka salah sawijining sing paling aman, paling dipercaya lan menarik.
tujuan kanggo investasi. Misi Komisi Sekuritas lan Bursa Siprus yaiku kanggo nindakake pengawasan efektif sing njamin perlindungan investor lan pangembangan pasar sekuritas sing sehat.